St. James Church


On Sunday mornings at our 11 am service we celebrate Holy Communion (Renewed Ancient Text) according to the 2019 Book of Common Prayer.

Each service lasts about an hour and each service is arranged around the Scripture. We sing, we collect an offering, we pray, we read Scripture, we confess our sin, we ask God for the gift of faith and repentance, and we hear a sermon. We do this by using a liturgy (an orderly pattern of worship) that comes from the 2019 Book of Common Prayer.

We sing both traditional and contemporary hymns. Regardless of if it is traditional or contemporary, the hymn must be biblical and theologically correct. Spiritual formation happens during the singing of hymns and spiritual songs as much is it does any other part of the service, so the hymns must reflect sound theological teaching.

Our clergy wear vestments in keeping with the Anglican tradition, as well as our communion table, pulpit, and lectern are dressed in the proper color parament of the church calendar. These things have meaning and are symbolic in Anglican worship. Don’t be worried if you don’t understand the symbols or you are not familiar with liturgical worship at first—It takes time to learn.

St. James looks forward to welcoming you to our worship service and other church events. We can’t wait to meet you!

Service Times

(See calendar for specific dates, as some dates may change due to scheduling)

Sunday School           10:00-10:45 AM

Sunday Holy Communion          11 AM

Sunday Fellowship Luncheon    12 PM
(First Sunday of Each Month)  

Tuesday & Thursday- Morning Prayer (St. James Church Chapel) 9 AM

Wednesday Night Bible Study 6:00 PM meal, 6:30 Bible study starts

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